Is it really #WorththeWait?

Worth the wait

In this modern, fast-pacing era where courtship is just one text away or chats rather, does #WorththeWait still exists, I mean, the genuine one?

I was in college, almost about to graduate, when I experienced courtship the way Christian does. And I may say it was totally diverse from the conventional way I know.

This is how I experienced it. But before I proceed, I want to reiterate that this is how “I”, personally experienced it and does not concluding or asserting that this should be the standard manner of doing it.

It was primarily initiated by the guy to ask someone to be his prayer covenant partner.

Prayer covenant means you’re going to set a specific time and when the clock ticks in that time, you’re going to pray regardless on where you are.

What are you going to pray for?  Simple, very simple - God’s will. That’s it! You are not going to pray that he/she hopefully falls in love with you and that he/she will began to realize how awesome you are.

But prior to that, of course, it is important that your parents know it all. You also need to ask permission from your Pastor(s). Well, for us, it so happen that we are on the same church. But for some, please do ask permission on both sides.

While on the process, these are some reminders from our mentors:
  • No terms of endearment
  • No sweet texts, chats or in any forms of communication
  • You only meet once a month and will only converse about your prayer and devotion updates.

I hope from this point, you did not get me wrong. This is not putting guidelines just like a strict parent rules does. Looking on it, it’s actually normal. In the same way if someone is courting a woman, we don’t express any sweet words or actions not unless we want to show motives or intention of liking that person. Difficulty in obeying only happens once you have mutual feelings for each other. 

From then on, we were guided by our Pastor and some of our mentors who teach us how the process really matters and why waiting is vital before binding yourself into a relationship.
It was then I realized that being in a relationship does not happen because you have mutual feelings and you simply wanted to express that feeling.
It was thru our mentors that I began to understand that being in a relationship signifies that you are willing to spend the rest of your life with that person which is also affiliated of your readiness in all aspects: physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually. 

Allowing prayer covenant does not giving any assurance or does not convey the idea that you also like the person and that you are giving him a glimpse of any chance. It is not equivalent of saying yes when someone asks if they can court you.

The idea of #WorththeWait only matters when waiting is really happening.
It is completely different from the usual, but it is indeed #WorththeWait.

Please guys never ever ask to your parents for bucks when you want a date.

If you can’t buy chocolates, flowers, bears and alike - just use your creativity. We do appreciate efforts more than material things that you can effortlessly acquire almost anywhere. It is definitely a BIG NO! 

Mixer Rocker

"Quality" is one of those little words that cover a lot of ground. It can mean different things to different people at different times, but at Yamaha it applies to a whole spectrum of concepts that form the backbone of a uniquely conscientious approach to product development and manufacture. This statement was stated on their site.

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* This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.*

Fishman Loudbox Mini Acoustic Combo Amp

Fishman Loudbox Mini PRO-LBX-500 60W 1x6.5 Acoustic Combo Amp  Brown

Fishman's lightest and most portable amp yet, Loudbox Mini delivers the tonal quality that has made the Fishman name the standard for great acoustic sound.

The Loudbox Mini packs 60 watts of clean acoustic power, and has two channels featuring Fishman' legendary preamp and tone control designs. The amp also features digital reverb and chorus for the instrument channel and reverb for the microphone channel. The Loudbox Mini sports an MP3 input and balanced XLR D.I. output, a must for jamming along and capturing your performances.

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*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.*


Celestion are well known for high quality loudspeakers. Their speakers can be used in theaters, on stage, in clubs, and more other venues.

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*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.*

Microphone Stands

A microphone stand is a free-standing mount that allows the microphone to be positioned in the studio, on stage, or on location without requiring somebody to hold it.
This will make your life easier and better. For top rated microphone stands, you can check it here:

You can check a lot of options here. From fixed boom, solid base, telescopic boom and tripod base microphone stands.

*This is a sponsored post. All opinion are my own.*

Bb Clarinet Mouthpieces

For a professional clarinettist, using of mouthpiece that did not come with their clarinet is highly recommended.  They believe that the mouthpiece craftsmanship is quite different than instrument craftsmanship.  Many of them urged to initially purchase first a quality mouthpiece before they acquire a quality clarinet.

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*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.*

Analog Monster in Miniature


Check this new synthesizer.

The new arturia microbrute is the next generation of the Brute family of synthesizers. The little brother of the award winning, modern classic: MiniBrute. The MicroBrute is smaller in size but retains the pure analog sound, the famed Steiner-Parker filter as well as Arturia's multiple wave oscillator with wave-shapers. No shortcuts were taken in making sure that the MicroBrute sound stands up to any analog synth on the market.

New Features
Step sequencer: Arturia has added a new step sequencer for generating patterns. This easy-to-us step sequencer is reminiscent of sequencers found on the Sequential Circuits Pro One as well as the rare and classic Oberheim DS-2a.

Updated Sub-oscillator: The new sub-oscillator allows for adding an octave down as well as the ability to mix in a 5th up harmonic. This allows this single oscillator synth to sound like a monster with multiple oscillators.

Mod Matrix: The Mod Matrix patchbay allows you to route 3 modulation sources, ENV, LFO and Keyboard CV (on the rear panel) to any of 6 modulation destinations. This semi modular capability allows for many sound-making capabilities.

The MicroBrute is the smallest and most powerful analog synth on the market and it promises to set a new standard for analog synth sound and price.
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