How to Give up?

give up

For more than a decade of serving God thru worship ministry, it became a doorway for me to be a God’s witness of His wonders. On the other hand, we all know we're not in this world to merely experience a life full of bliss and delight. As a leader, the greatest heartbreak is to see others' downfall. 

Their downfalls occurred from different facets. As I keep an eye on them, I saw them slowly losing their desire to attend our praise and worship practice even on our Sunday worship service. We even came to a point that only 3 members of our team are attending our practice. 

My initial reaction is, “How am I going to resolve and help them?” With that in mind, I decided to make several solutions that I think would help them to restore their hearts and passions. But after a prolonged work and endeavor, it ends up rubbish. I felt worn out because I had given it all and yet nothing happened. And so I give up. On the contrary, after giving up, I’ve learned a valuable lesson. And that is really to simply – GIVE UP, not just naively give up but to give it all up to God and let Him do the rest.

When to give up?

I believe giving up to God should be live out every single day of our lives. It is really vital that we lend every little details, decisions and aspects of our lives so we can live through a life full of joy. But don’t get me wrong. This doesn’t mean a life without problems and struggles. This only implies that regardless of what we’re going through, there’s an inner joy at all times. That would take place only if our lives are connected and relying to God, believing that in the midst of everything, Someone is sustaining and working for us beyond what we can imagine.

How to give up?

1. Surrender your heart to God.
2. Turn in prayer.
3. Give up your sins.

I thought God is instilling them something they need to understand but then I realized I myself was also part of that understanding God is about to unfold. 
Giving up means relying on God and allowing Him to do his perfect wills and plans. It's about letting God to ultimately do everything, not half-done but entirely. 

Right when we thought we’re losing the battle, God is there to lift us up and says, “Let us fight together.” 

I had been into my greatest heartbreak as a leader but on the counterpart, the greatest fulfillment is to be a witness on how our merciful and gracious God restores them.

Surrendering to God is never losing. It is declaring the triumphant and victorious battle He’s about to conquest.

Surrender your heart to God, turn to him in prayer, and give up your sins – Job. 11:13-15 (CEV)


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