Can somebody comfort me please?

Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NKJV)

Many times our life is not an easy one and every so often it can be stressful, tiring and demanding. Unfulfilled plans and dreams, sulky and misunderstanding with somebody, failed grades or job application, bereavement, it could also be unsuccessful plans for a ministry-related work and the lists go on and on; 
Those are some of the many  circumstances that somehow resulted to tiredness and discouragement. Rolling it all over in our mind and our heart might end up wondering if we are fulfilling our lives and its purpose. 

We need to understand that there are things in life that’s beyond our control. But if in spite of it all, you’re still doing the right thing, eagerly fighting and doing your best in the midst of trials and struggles;

keep calm
Let me tell you today that YOU are doing a GREAT job!

If you haven’t given up, you are still STANDING and that is all that is required.
Learn to see the beauty beyond your circumstances. Make friends, share your burdens. Some may be celebrating a victory, while others are fighting to make it through a battle.  We can absolutely learn from their lives.

So today, in spite on how you see yourself or feel about your situation, let me remind you to keep on standing, take one step at a time and keep gazing and believing to God. You are undeniably doing a good job! 


Dear God,

You know my heart and uncertainty. Even my deepest sigh is never hidden to you. I ask for your forgiveness, if many times I rely on my own strength and knowledge. I am tired God of doing things on my own. Starting today, help me to surrender everything to You. Help me seek You in everything I do. As I long to You, I know You will pour out Your comfort and assurance that nothing is too hard for You.

In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.


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