About Kish

Welcome to I Love Beyond!

I am Kish, Psych graduate way back 2011. I’m a typical office girl who loves singing, a bit dancing, playing musical instruments, enjoys music in general. A mentor, a spiritual and worship leader, of course, it is by and only by the grace of God, from Him and to Him.

With me here is my partner who does the technical thingy which a bit nerve-racking for me, so it is solely his role to work on. Super hooray for me.. haha :)  By the way, he’s the Music Director in our church and my spiritual partner as well, and currently working at forwarding company.

Before going beyond about us, it’s time to talk about this blog. Let me expound the reason behind its existence.

bible verseI believe it has been my calling to help other people. As a mentor and a leader, it has been technically my responsibility but it turns out to be my joy and desire to fulfill my so-called sense of duty.

I encountered several scenarios and stories to deal with; it entails hitches from children to elder, literally of all ages. On the other hand, I’m somewhat observant and it has been my habit to reflect my day at the end before I sleep.

Pondering it all deeply, I believe no matter what we’re going thru, there’s something beyond we can hold on to; and that’s nothing more than the love of God. 

Will it covers all our pains and agonies? Yes! 
Will it saves us from all our sins and iniquities, definitely yes! 
We can have faith, hope and love, but the greatest of it all is LOVE.
Over a billion of people around the world, I presume that somewhere out there, somebody may not be totally the same but at least have similar brainwaves as I do. And so I decided to create this site to express my opinion, learning and understanding and vice versa to learn from other’s viewpoints like you reading this blog right now.

Is there anything you would like to discuss under the sun?

Share it; you never knew who’s wondering that the same as you do.

Please drop your details at ilovebeyond7@gmail.com or comment below.

I would be love chatting with you.

To infinity and beyond,



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