Ideal Love

love quotes

Have you heard about Mr. and Mrs. Right, knight in shining armor, prince charming and alike?

We’re all dreaming of it, right? Well I bet we have our own version of it; a checklists perhaps which perfectly matches our wants. Summarizing the definition of it reveals one common denominator, the word “Ideal”. Ideal means the best, role model, perfect.

However there are risks if we keep on longing to find that so-called perfect match for us. Read more to know why.

1. It doesn’t exist.

Yes. Unfortunately, it doesn’t really exist. Somehow it does, but only in fairy tales not in real life. We need to understand that no man was ever made perfect, literally no one. People regardless how good they are can still commit mistakes; People regardless how powerful and wealthy they are can still possess limitations.

2. It gives you disappointment.

Disappointment is the feeling of dissatisfaction because of non-fulfillment of what we expect or hope for. Knowing that a perfect love doesn’t exist therefore will only cause disappointment, if we keep on looking and believing on it. We can never mark all the boxes in our checklist, that’s for sure. We can never find that person even if we travel all over the world. It might just lead to frustration if we keep on hoping for.

3. It loses the opportunity of perceiving the perfect plans for you.

The concept of having an ideal steers us to be single-minded. It obscures other perspective and view. Permitting it to be the spotlight of our lives thus might hinder us on determining brighter and better plans for us. 

Looking on the ideas above ironically let me answer this question: Can we still find that perfect love for us? And the answer is yes, if we accept that:

1. It exists.

Yes, you’ve read it right. It exists but not in this world per se. We need to recognize that it is only founded by God. Accepting this truth will help us endure to love one another despite of their mistakes and limitations.

2. We are all imperfect.

Accepting the fact that everyone has limitations including ourselves can untie us from all our disappointments and frustrations. Many times we feel unfortunate because we thought it was not given to us though we believe there’s nothing wrong of what we’re dreaming of. Yes, we are imperfect but God has its own astounding way to turn our imperfection perfect for someone He designed for us.  

3. Go to the author of love.

Do you want to find that ideal love? Then go to the author of love – God. We love because God first loved us (1 John 4:9, NIV). His love knows no boundaries. His love hopes for nothing but the best for you and me. Believe that God has a greater plans for you as he says on Jeremiah 29:11(NIV), “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Remember that God has its own way of giving it according to his perfect timing. Stop believing in yourself and start trusting on God’s unconditional and perfect love for you. 

That ideal and perfect love is found in the arms of Our Loving Father, Jesus Christ. He loves you that much, so much that He bears and offers His life for you. 


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