I am a Lover and I'm Proud of it!


If you were able to read my About Kish portion in this blog, I've mentioned that by the grace of God, I'm part of our music ministry as a worship leader or for some as a song leader to our team namely Pleiades music ministry (to know more about our team, please check: Why PMM?)

When I was starting, I thought a good voice is enough and the major thing I need to be a so-called worship leader (well, please don't expect much on my voice, read more to know what makes us qualified..haha..) Going back, as I yield more about it, I have learned that the most important thing God requires for us not only on the ministry I am with right now but as we serve Him, it is none other than our hearts; A heart that can only love beyond if we will submit it before Him. A heart that is meek. (To know more about a deeper meaning of meek, please check at How to be confidently humble?)

It is not the quality and tone of our voice, neither the skills nor the talents that we have or we can offer but mainly, God is concern on the tone of our hearts before Him. All things are created by God and created for Him, there’s nothing we can claim and boast off.

God cannot maximize our potentials without surrendering our entire lives to Him. That requires the totality of all the aspects, all day, every day, twenty-four / seven (24/7), time after time, every single minute, every single second.

If you wanted to know if I am a lover, I would gladly declare, yes! After all I’ve been through and might come pass through, I’m not just a music lover but I am a lover of God's Word, I am a lover of the ministry God bestows upon me and I'm glad that I have Jesus as the lover of my soul, who holds and loves us beyond what we can imagine.


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