New Era of Musical Instruments


I love playing guitar and keyboard. Both of these instruments have its own beauty and melody.

As I’m browsing at youtube to listen on some music I love, I saw one of the Christian bands playing this type of musical instrument that looks like keyboard yet easy to carry like guitar.

Isn’t amazing how technology now a day’s works in almost ways we cannot imagine?
Out of curiosity in mind, I try to browse more and was able to saw this keytar for sale

To give you more about this product, here's an overview from Korg USA Authorized Internet dealer:

Appearing in 1984, the RK-100 remote keyboard broke the chains of keyboardists, setting them free to perform as they liked. With a stylish body available in four colors, it allowed the keyboard player to challenge the vocalist or guitarist for the main role on stage.

Now, thirty years later, the RK has been resurrected. Although beautiful curved surfaces have been added, the essence of the original and very popular design is unchanged. What had been a somewhat large and heavy body has been made more compact and lightweight thanks to modern components such as a slim keyboard. While the original required an external sound module, the new RK-100S contains a built-in analog modeling sound generator.

New features and functions include two ribbon controllers, an arpeggiator, and a vocoder, and there are also "favorite" buttons that allow you to register frequently-used sounds for one-touch selection. The RK-100S is your choice for smarter, more active, and more enjoyable performance.

Two hundred built-in programs powered by analog modeling
The RK-100S provides a built-in sound engine that was not found on the original RK, meaning that you can perform simply by connecting an audio cable.

Its MMT sound engine provides not only the standard analog synthesizer waveforms such as sawtooth and square, but also additional oscillator algorithms such as formant waveforms, noise, and PCM, which power two hundred programs for a broad range of sounds that will cover any musical genre. These sounds can also be played using the arpeggiator.

37-note slim keyboard that's lightweight and easy to play
The keyboard of the RK-100S uses the 37-note slim keyboard also featured on the MS-20 mini. This allows the overall unit to be more compact and lightweight. MS-20 mini-style keys provide the perfect balance between size and playability.

Two ribbon controllers, short and longSince the RK-100S is designed for active playing styles, it features two ribbon controllers: a short ribbon on the neck that can be manipulated with the left hand, and a long ribbon located in front of the keyboard that gives you a wide range of performance possibilities. The long ribbon controller can be used instead of the keyboard to play a freely specified range of pitches and scales, and can also be used to control the pitch or filter in dramatic ways.

Operates on six AA alkaline batteries
Since the RK-100S will operate on easily obtainable alkaline AA batteries or rechargeable nickel-metal hydride AA batteries, you can enjoy performing anywhere simply by plugging in a set of headphones or by connecting it to your amp with a standard cable. By using an AC adapter, you can play at home for as long as you like without being concerned with battery life, and use the PC editor to create your own sounds.

Mic/audio (dual-purpose) input jack, also usable with the vocoder function
The RK-100S provides a monaural mini-input jack that can also work with mic input. You can use a headset mic to enjoy vocoder performance, or connect your audio player and perform along with your favorite music.

Perform with an external sound module, and use the PC editor for detailed editing
Since the RK-100S is equipped with a MIDI output jack, it can be used to control an external sound module. There's also a USB port for connecting it to your computer, allowing you to control a PC sound module or use the PC editor to edit detailed MIDI settings and parameters of the internal sound engine.


  • Built-in sound engine, just plug in and play
  • 37-note slim keyboard
  • 200 built-in programs with analog modeling
  • 2 ribbon controllers, short and long
  • Mic/audio input jack, also usable with the vocoder function
  • Perform with an external sound module, and use the PC editor for detailed editing
  • Operates on 6 AA batteries

I heard this instrument is really something you would really love to consider. What you think?

*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.*


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